There was this evil dragon that was friends with an evil zombie. And then they broke up a hundred houses. Finally, the dragon got fired and the zombie got destroyed. And there was this big party because the dragon and the zombie were gone. People were screaming "Hooray!" because the dragon and the zombie were gone.
Then an evil bad-guy made an unbeatable, unkillable dragon. Only one thing could destroy it: if you put it in moltent lava, only at the place it was made. Everyone who was still alive in the army made a big fight. It almost killed the dragon. They stuck him in the throat two times; if you got him three times, he'd die. But all the army died except for one, who shot and killed the dragon (by getting him in the throat one more time).
The bad-guy got arrested and his dungeon [laboratory-Ed.] was exploded.
The End